Episode 132

Published on:

14th Jun 2023

132. N.E.A.T Daily Exercise Without The Gym

N.E.A.T Daily Exercise Without The Gym

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In this week's Wellness Wednesday episode, Evan breaks down the term N.E.A.T. If you are unfamiliar with this term, then calorie burning activities you do in a day aside from intentional forms of exercise. N.E.A.T. has shown great promise in combating obesity and with controlling weight gain.

In the past, our levels of N.E.A.T. would naturally be higher due to lack of technology such as transportation, washing machines, dish washers, and automatic lawn mowers. As we continue to find ways to demand less of our bodies, our level of N.E.A.T. decreases. This can have some serious repercussions later on in life.

Make sure to tune in to this episode to learn all about what N.E.A.T. is, how important it is for our health, and how we can increase our levels of N.E.A.T.

Do everything with good intentions and connect to your elements!


This podcast is for educational purposes only, it is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. Evan Roberts is not a medical professional and this podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. Statements and views expressed on this show are not medical advice, this podcast, including Evan Roberts and any guests on the show, disclaims responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained in this episode. If you think you have a medical problem please consult a medical professional.

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Welcome back to the elemental oven show.

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Thank you very much for joining me on this beautiful wellness Wednesday as always.

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It is the day that I released my episodes is on these wellness Wednesdays.

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And today I have a very neat episode, , emphasis on the word meat there.

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Um, you'll see why in just a moment here, but I wanted to take a moment

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and you know, something I haven't done on this show in a while is kind

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of like the daily practice stuff.

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Where a while back, I used to always give a little practice for you guys.

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And one thing that I noticed I hadn't done in a while.

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Was giving some gratitude.

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So gratitude is, uh, you know, something that maybe is

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kind of a buzz word nowadays.

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And, uh, people hear it a lot and just kind of dismiss it.

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But at the end of the day, it's very, very powerful.

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And it's a great way of shifting our mindset and our perception

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of kind of whatever it is that we may be going through in life.

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And today I remember I was just driving in my car and was able

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to see sunrise this morning.

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And just that moment of seeing this beautiful sunrise was a moment for

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me to kind of reflect and think like, man, I haven't really given gratitude

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to the things that I have in my life.

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And, uh, it was really beautiful to just take a moment and kind

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of fuel all the gratitude for everything I have in my life.

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And it's such a powerful practice, literally changed my entire morning, made

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me feel super happy and, and just, you know, have a little bit more of a spring.

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My step.

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So if you haven't practiced gratitude yet today, I highly encourage you to do so.

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Uh, if you have a little bit of time right now, maybe just a minute, even,

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uh, you can just think of three things in your life that you're grateful for

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and really try to feel it, fill it in the heart space, try to, uh, embody what that

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feels like and how those things make you feel, um, things, people, whatever it is.

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And, uh, yeah, so that's going to be practice for today.

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If you guys want to go ahead and give that a go and now

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let's jump into today's episode.

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So as I said earlier, it's a neat episode and that is the

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title of the episode as well.

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Pretty much is neat.

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E a T.

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So what this actually stands for, um, in terms of exercise or the, yeah,

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the movement realm, um, is an acronym.

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So N E a.

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T it means that non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

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What that basically means is it is all of the calorie burning, essentially

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like all the movement and exercise quote unquote, um, that you get

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without intentionally doing exercise.

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That's a pretty rough explanation of it, but.

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You can think of meat or once again, non-exercise activity,

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Thermo thermogenesis as.

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You know, walking, um, to, and from your car, like getting out, going

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into the building and then coming back to your car, like that is neat.

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Um, even laying down, sitting, standing, doing dishes, laundry,

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singing, anything that is basically some kind of an action or movement

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of your body without intentionally doing exercise is a form of meat.

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Now, if you're asking why it is that I'm even talking about meat today.

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It's because there's been a lot of research that I've personally come across.

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Um, and I think it's still developing, but there's been research on neat and obesity

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levels and actually weight management.

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So a lot of the times we think of, you know, weight management and exercise

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and all that as going to the gym or doing some form of, you know, maybe

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it's a sport, but something that's very.

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You know, engaging, uh, physically and, you know, it's a, it's a

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definitely very beneficial practice to do if you don't exercise already.

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Um, then go ahead by all means and, and start a exercise practice.

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It's incredible, but we tend to overlook all of the in-between.

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So throughout your day, you are consistently burning calories all the

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time, regardless of whatever task it is, you know, obviously some tasks will

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burn more calories than other tasks, but at the end of the day, every.

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A single task you're doing is using energy to some degree.

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And for some people, they have a high level of meat, meaning they

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do a lot of non-exercise activity.

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Uh, instead of maybe going out and doing a lot of exercise, right?

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So they're actually still very active throughout the day, even though they

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might not notice it as opposed to a person who, you know, will dedicate

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like an hour to go to the gym.

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So what we've been finding is.

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Meat is very closely related with being able to manage weight and obesity.

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And in fact, on the NIH website.

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So that's national Institute for health.

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It was observed that longterm weight control may be easier to

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maintain by focusing less on eat, which is exercise related activity.

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Basically exercise, intentional exercise.

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Um, and more focused on increasing your neat.

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So we're actually kind of seeing that while of course,

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exercise is incredibly important.

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Like intentional exercise, your level of neat can play a really, really

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massive role in weight management.

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And possibly, you know, according to this article is just one article, but

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according to this article from the NIH.

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Possibly even more important than your intentional exercise, like going to the

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gym, which in no way am I docking that because going to a gym and doing any form

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of exercise is incredible for your health.

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So please keep doing it.

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Don't just, don't just increase your knee, like keep that practice as well.

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But I'd still think this is very interesting for us to look at

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and see the effects of neat, uh, play out in the long run.

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In a study referenced in this article on, on the NIH website, they recruited 10 lean

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and 10 mildly obese sedentary volunteers and measured their postures activities of

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daily living and fidgeting for 10 days.

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And one of the major findings that they found after, uh, conducting

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this was that the obese individuals were seated on average two hours

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a day longer than the lean people.

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Of course, there's other factors that are going to come into play here in terms of

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obesity, but the increase of two hours of sitting, which doesn't sound like a lot.

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Now that is on average, of course.

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Um, but that kind of goes to show that even just two hours of this, you

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know, non-exercise activity is going to be very beneficial for the body.

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Um, it was actually noted in this article that if these obese individuals,

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uh, adopted the neat, enhanced behaviors of their lean counterparts,

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They could expend an additional 350 kilocalories a day, which is, basically

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18 kilograms or roughly 40 pounds in a year, uh, which can definitely play a

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massive role in long-term weight control.

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Uh, now, like I said, of course, this does not explain, you know,

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all the complexities of obesity.

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I'm not saying that just by standing up for two more hours a day, you're

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going to dramatically just all of a sudden lose all this weight.

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It is possible of course, by increasing your neat and hopefully if you're eating

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right and all these other factors, you definitely could see progress like this.

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Um, but there are other things to come into play here.

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This really actually comes back to a point that I tend to make a lot on

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this show, which is that our bodies really are expecting us to move.

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It's a very recent.

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Phenomenon going on, where we are kind of.

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Put into a chair for, you know, eight hours a day, roughly.

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And then we get up, go sit in the car code to our house, and then typically maybe

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spend a little bit of time moving and then sitting back on the couch and watching TV.

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There's very little amount of time designated to meet.

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Um, This is a very new thing.

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If you would to go back, like, I mean, it doesn't even have to be a hundred

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years, but like, let's just say, if you went back a hundred years ago, the

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average person had a much, much higher level of neat and there's many factors,

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which I'll kind of jump into later.

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But at the end of the day, our bodies are really expecting this, uh, movement

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out of us and this massive under use of our bodies and their capabilities.

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Is kind of a disservice to the body.

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It's going to lead to a stiff muscles, uh, tense, muscles, back pain, all these other

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kinds of symptoms that we're seeing with people who sit a lot and have technique

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and all these different things, right.

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Our bodies are demanding and expecting us to move.

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So it's very, very important for us to actually get up and move our bodies.

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Uh, not to mention the fact that, you know, Muscle is more

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energy demanding than fat is.

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So your body is naturally going to get rid of muscle if you're not using

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it because it's energy demanding your body is super smart and understands.

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Why would I spend all this energy to maintain these muscles if

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they're not even being used, right?

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Like I'm going to minimize those down to the bare minimum for just what

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is being asked or demanded of us.

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Because when you go and you lift.

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Something heavy.

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That's telling your body, Hey, I am regularly needing to lift something

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this heavy, and therefore I'm going to need the muscle mass to

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effortlessly be able to lift that.

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So when we're sitting for a long period of time, this is also going to

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lead to muscle degradation as well.

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Uh, obviously this would be over time and if we're not really maintaining it, but

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I think it's really cool that there is this movement of kind of talking about,

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you know, maintaining muscle mass and even growing muscle mass, not necessarily

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from just a bodybuilding standpoint, which if that's what you're into, that's

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great and all, but from a whole like longevity kind of standpoint, right?

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Because muscle at the end of the day is incredibly important for longevity.

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It's, it's important for longevity, lifespan, um, being able to enjoy.

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Your life later on in your late years, because if you don't have

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the muscle to move your body, That means that you're going to be.

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You know, sedentary and stuck to a chair, like not by choice.

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Because your body is not able to physically get up and move or catch

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yourself if you're about to fall.

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All these things that our bodies are, um, you know, very capable of in the

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younger years, but we kind of tend to lose in our later years, uh, especially

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when we see the decrease in muscles.

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So if you aren't already kind of taking into mind how much

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protein you're eating per day.

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Um, I would highly encourage you to do so.

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I'm not going to jump too deep into the correct amounts of all that.

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Cause that could be a whole other episode.

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But at the end of the day, you should try to prioritize protein.

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Uh, specifically complete proteins.

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Um, meaning it has all nine essential amino acids.

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And really try to prioritize that in every single meal, because at the end

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of the day, there's a lot of people who are really not getting enough

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protein to even just maintain the muscle mass that they already have.

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Plus protein is good for so many other functions in the body.

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Uh, so it is absolutely necessary if you aren't already, um, getting

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in enough protein and it's just hard for you to fit those meals in,

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honestly, I highly recommend just getting a protein powder of some kind.

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Um, of course quality is going to matter here.

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Um, if you are looking for a protein powder,

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Um, and you are a, you know, you're, you're okay with eating animal products.

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Then, uh, Keon is a really great one.

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They use grass fed whey protein.

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Um, I love that brand and that protein powder.

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And if you're more on the vegetarian vegan side, um, Organifi has a

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really incredible protein powder.

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Uh, you can go ahead and check them out.

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They test for glyphosate.

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Third-party tested for glyphosate.

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Um, everything's organic.

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They have incredible juices as well.

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These juice blends, um, but really focusing here on the protein powder.

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Um, this is something that we really do need to be including if you're

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not getting enough of it from your food, I would highly recommend doing

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some kind of a protein shake as well.

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Um, if you are interested in checking out organic protein

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powder, check out the show.

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Uh, show notes for the link.

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I will go ahead and have it posted in there.

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I am affiliated with them.

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So you guys all get 20% off of your entire order.

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Anytime you order anything from them and use my code, which is

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right there in the link as well.

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Uh, so go ahead and check them out.

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They also have a lot of different juice powders that are incredible

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for any time of the day.

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Personally, just love them and all the stuff that they produce.

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Um, especially their gold juice formula, which is basically a

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tumeric latte for the evening times.

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I get the cacau one.

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Uh, so it's kind of like hot chocolate, but anyways, go ahead and check them out.

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You're going to love all their stuff and check out the protein powder.

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Um, like I said, if you, if, if you don't want to take a vegan or vegetarian one,

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go ahead and check out the, uh, the ones at Keon as well, or just anyone that is,

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uh, a hundred percent grass fed, right.

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We really want to focus on the quality there, um, and watch out for the sugars.

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Sugars can be.

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Rampant in all of the, uh, different kinds of protein powders.

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So really keep an eye on that.

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Um, now following up on.

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Sitting for longer periods of the day.

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And how that can contribute to obesity.

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I think it's also really important for us to look at what that means for our health.

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So recently studies have shown that metabolic syndrome, adiposity or weight

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gain, uh, poor glucose management and type two diabetes risk may be

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directly related to sitting time.

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And, or to a low level of meat that may be independent of your eat, your eat.

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So your exercise activity, thermogenesis.

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They're kind of finding here.

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That if you don't have a good level of neat, you can still have increased.

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You know, risk factors for these specific




Even if you are doing.

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You know, intentional exercise essentially now.

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Like I said, I'm not taking anything away from exercise here.

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It is absolutely necessary.

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You need to get out and exercise.

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But I think what this is really trying to speak to is the importance

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of having meat in our lives.

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This daily.

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Activity movement of the body that like I said, is essentially

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being demanded of our bodies.

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Our bodies are expecting us to move and to use and burn energy.

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That is what our bodies are made for.

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I mean, you can't really argue that our bodies were not meant to move, right.

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Like, I mean, that is.

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Up until really just recently we have had to always move a lot throughout the day.

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Um, So this just kind of speaks to that.

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And in contrast, uh, in a large scale cohort study, they found that individuals

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who performed low volume physical activity defined as 15 minutes a day.

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Or 90 minutes a week.

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So very minimal.

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Had a 14% reduced risk of all cause mortality and a three-year

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increase in life expectancy.

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That's pretty massive for a 15 minute.

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Movement, right.

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I mean, that is very, very minimal.

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Um, it's also important to note here that obesity is also the leading

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risk factor for many debilitating and deadly diseases, such as some cancers,

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heart disease and diabetes, which type two diabetes is also referred to by

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many as, uh diabesity because roughly 50% of diagnosed diabetic patients.

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Are obese.

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And that's coming out of an article in the NIH titled morbidity and

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mortality associated with obesity.

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But this is really wild, right?

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Like obesity we know is such a massive issue.

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And we know that a large portion of the us population is considered obese.

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It is something that is completely.

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To a degree within our control.

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I mean, we have the ability to do something about it.

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But instead we're.

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Almost rarely told this, right?

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Like now there's pills that you can take to lose weight.

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But at the end of the day, I think it's so important for us to realize

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that our bodies are not being used the way they were meant to be used.

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And I think it's really just so important for us to highlight how.

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It can be to just add in some of this neat into our lives.

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It's very simplistic forms of movement.

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It's things like doing chores.

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You know, picking up after yourself, cleaning the house.

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Doing the dishes doing the laundry sweeping mopping.

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Uh, vacuuming, whatever it may be.

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Those are all forms of meat, right?

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Parking a little bit further away from, from the building that you need

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to walk into so that you can get a little bit of an extra, you know, some

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extra steps in there to just get to the building, to increase your knee.

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These are things that might seem very minuscule, but when added up over time

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can really make a massive difference.

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Now, I know that this is kind of going down a dark tunnel here, but

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there is some light at the end of it.

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And so I wanted to kind of bring this whole conversation into a really positive.

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Uh, kind of research, uh, study that I found.

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And this was actually done by a Harvard psychologist, Ellen Langer.

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Um, NPR had a whole little show on this.

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It was really interesting, but basically she studied hotel maids to see how

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their perception about, um, how much exercise they were getting affects, uh,

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their bodies and how their bodies look.

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So it turns out that out of all of the maids that she interviewed about 67%

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said they don't exercise even though a large portion of what a hotel may

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does is definitely considered exercise.

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So linger in her.

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Team, uh, they went ahead and measured the maid's body fat waist to hip ratio, blood

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pressure, weight, and body mass index.

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And they found that all of these indicators.

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Matched the maid's perceived amount of exercise rather than the actual amount

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of exercise that they were getting.

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So let's just kind of understand that they literally, their bodies

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were matching what their perception was, as opposed to the actual amount

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of exercise that they were doing.

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So in trying to change this, basically you linger, set out to, educate

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them on and change their perceptions.

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So she divided 84 maids into two groups with one group.

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Uh, researchers went through, uh, each of their T.

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Uh, daily tasks, uh, and explain how many calories those tasks were burning.

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Then . They were informed that the activity already met the surgeon General's

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definition of an active lifestyle, right?

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So they were told how much energy they were burning.

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And they were also informed that this was meeting the, you know, levels of.

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Activity that you're supposed to be getting in a day.

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Uh, the other group was given no information at all.

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Then a month later, linger in her team returned to take physical measurements

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of the women and were surprised to see that in the group that had

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been educated, there was a decrease in their systolic blood pressure.

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Wait and waist to hip ratio and a 10% drop in blood pressure.

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Just by giving them information.

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Now there can be other explanations for this.

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Of course you can go down different routes.

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I know one of them was possibly by telling them.

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Uh, this information made them change certain habits in their lifestyle.

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Langer did say that they went ahead and asked, uh, the, I think it was like the,

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the managers of the hotel and stuff.

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And they said they've been doing nothing differently.

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Um, so really trying to follow up on to see if they were changing any

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of their daily habits, but it seemed like for the most part, everything

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was still being held the same.

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It was just the fact that they now knew this information about how much

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energy they were actually burning.

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It's kind of like placebo effect in a way, but at the end of the day, it just

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goes to show how powerful your mind is.

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And so I think.

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Even by me just relaying this information to you right now that if you are, you.

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You know, at home and doing some chores in the house and you feel

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like, oh, like I'm not doing enough.

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I need to also go work out, blah, blah, blah.

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Even just being in the house and being intentional with the work, maybe you just

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put a little more elbow grease into it.

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You can really increase your level of meat, which can have a massive, massive

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impact on your overall health and also the shape of the bottom of your body as well.

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Definitely don't knock, meet.

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Try to add as much as you can in there, and also understand that

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your daily household chores are adding up and, you know, leading

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to, uh, this increase in neat.

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So now for, uh, kind of wrapping up this podcast episode.

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Uh, w why has neat, decreased over the years?

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This is kind of a pretty simple question.

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I think most of you could already answer this, but essentially it's

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just because we have technology and, um, different things that make it so

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that our lives can be more simple.

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And give us more time to do things like sitting down on the couch and taking

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it easy, which is not a bad thing.

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I'm all about having some free time to just chill out and relax.

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Um, But at the end of the day, Given, you know, the freedom to hang out and

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chill all day, which I probably would.

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Um, it's obviously not going to be very good for my body.

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So what we need to do is we need to start increasing our neat through, like I

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said, chores are a great way of doing it.

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So if you have.

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You know, the little, what is it?

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Roomba little vacuum that runs through the house.

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It's very nice.

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It's handy, but that vacuuming could be a form of meat, your dishwasher.

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It is nice to just throw all the dishes in the dishwasher.

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Don't get me wrong.

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That's one of the things I hate most about cooking is the cleaning.

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I actually enjoy the process of cooking.

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It's the cleaning I don't like, but at the end of the day,

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it is still a form of meat.

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So it's basically just relying a little bit less on some of the luxuries of.

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Having these technological advances and, um, you know, putting in a

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little more elbow grease, like I said, even just parking further away.

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From the building that you're trying to enter, whether it's a grocery

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store or your work, whatever, it may be just park further away and

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increase your walking time by.

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Three minutes, right?

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Like nothing massive, but just a little additional time is going to really help

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to make a difference in add up over time.

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So, those are definitely going to be a lot of the best ways to increase your neat

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is, you know, increase your chores, which.

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Kind of doesn't sound fun, but maybe even just reframing, um, your mindset

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around your chores in to understanding that it is a form of meat, right?

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It is a form of vector.

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Uh, a form of.

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Non-exercise activity.

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But still nonetheless activity, right?

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It's a form of movement.

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And, uh, also I wanted to just really emphasize here that in.

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You know, Along with the neat.

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I think it is still very important for us to have eat as well.

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So, uh, exercise activity.

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Uh, thermogenesis as well.

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So intentionally going out and doing exercises while is going to be very,

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very beneficial in no way, shape or form should that be knocked?

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It is up there.

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And one of the top things of, uh, increasing your health is going

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and increasing your physical activity through exercise.

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So it is very important, but.

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In this episode, I really wanted to highlight the importance of neat and, you

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know, really to better understand that.

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Uh, even if you do go workout at a gym, if you are coming home and then just being,

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you know, completely lazy the entire rest of the day and eating terribly, like it's

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just kind of a bandaid at that point.

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It's still good.

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It's still better than nothing, but we can also have this continuous movement

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throughout our day that doesn't have to be super strenuous, but it can

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still eat up a ton of calories and help us to, uh, maintain our body weight

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and try to stay away from obesity.

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Anyways, that's going to do it for today.

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I hope you guys learned something too.

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Uh, something new.

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This was a pretty new topic for me.

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Um, I had heard about me in the past, but this time I really dove

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into it to better understand it and to look at some of the different

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studies that have been done on it.

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And yeah, so I hope you took away some really beneficial information today.

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That's my goal with this podcast is just to provide you with information.

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And, uh, ways in which you can better improve your health and

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your life in whatever way possible.

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So take whatever resonated with you and leave what didn't.

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And of course, please go ahead and subscribe to whatever platform

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it is that you're listening on.

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Share this episode with your friends and family.

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Leave a five star review and rating.

no one:

Um, you can leave.

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Ratings on, I think, uh, apple podcasts.

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You can actually leave a little review there.

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Uh, please go ahead and do so.

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I love seeing those and, uh, feel free to reach out to me on, uh, Instagram.

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That's where I'm most active.

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So if you have any questions, concerns, or do you want to share this episode?

no one:

Uh, feel free to tag me on Instagram and yeah, I'd love to see that.

no one:

So I hope you enjoyed today's episode and you guys already

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know the motto of the show.

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It's do everything with good intentions and connect to your elements.

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Much love everybody.

Show artwork for Elemental Evan

About the Podcast

Elemental Evan
Health and Wellness
The Elemental Evan Show, takes an easy and fun approach to health and wellness, making in-depth health topics easy to digest. Focusing on health from an integrative perspective, this show incorporates all areas of health from diets, to relationships, to healthy mentalities. Certified Universal Yoga practitioner and IIN Health Coach, Evan combines holistic health practices with scientific data to bring you fun and interesting episodes. You'll finish each episode feeling empowered to make changes in your life that can both add years to your life and life to your years. Follow along as we cover every health topic you can think of as Evan shows just how connected everything is, both inside your body and in your external environment.

About your host

Profile picture for Evan Roberts

Evan Roberts

Welcome to the Elemental Evan show. My name is Evan Roberts and I'm a certified IIN Health Coach and Yoga Teacher. I love taking a whole approach to health as everything is connected. When you treat one issue in the body, you'll inevitably treat other issues in the body which is why I try to look at things from a big picture perspective. Through this show I'll be bringing you information packed episodes on tangible ways to improve your overall health and wellness. I hope you walk away from each episode feeling empowered and renewed to take on the day and take control of your health!

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and grow with me.

With Gratitude
-Evan Roberts